Turn-Based RPG
RPG based on nordic mythology with grid like movement and turn based combat.
NES 8bit Hardware Emulator
NES emulator written in C++. Currently the CPU and PPU is implemented. APU is next to be implemented.
GMS Template
GameMaker Scaffolding is a template for 2D low-res tile-based games in GameMaker Studio. It contains a great deal of modules to facilitate workflow, efficient design and rendering pipeline.
Procedural Generated Dungeons
Roguelike dungeon crawler that takes inspiration from classic retro games as well as more modern roguelikes.
Infinite Tunnel Runner
Mobile game inspired by classics such as Flappy Bird and Temple Run. Available at Google Play Store (Android) and App Store (iOS).
Infinite World Sandbox
Early stages of development. Low-res RPG inspired by pixelart by MrmoTarius.
Classic Frogger With A Twist
Project in course TDA572 - Game Engine Architecture at Chalmers. Purpose was to create our own primitive game engine in C++, and recreate a classic arcade game with slight modifications within this engine. In this version of Frogger a horror element is added, and the graphical art style mimicing a CRT-monitor is implemented CPU-side.
Master's Thesis @ Chalmers
Exploring the advantages (and disadvantages) of WebGL extensions within the context of GPU-accelerated particle systems, as a part of my master thesis at Chalmers.
Retro racing game in pseudo-3D, heavily inspired by old arcade classics such as Pole Position.
Signals within GMS 2.3+
Lightweight framework for signals in GameMaker Studio with features such as callbacks and channels.
Advanced Computer Graphics
Project to implement advanced graphical concepts from reasearch papers in the course DAT205 - Advanced Computer Graphics at Chalmers. The final product consisted of a sandbox racing game, showcasing a couple of techniques from reasearch papers we studied during the course.
Bachelor's Thesis @ Chalmers
Creation of an object-oriented language and a precompiler for it, as an alternative to real-time C. The purpose was to improve and facilitate laboratory assignments within the course EDA223 - Real-Time Systems at Chalmers, and the University of Gothenburg.
Traffic Monitoring and Visualization
Collection of real-time data over Gothenburg, visualized on a webapplication with AI-based predictions of future traffic situations. Project in course DAT066 - Project at Chalmers, and in collaboration with Cybercom.
Multiplayer Game
Agar.io inspired Java multiplayer game developed in a team of five, as a project in the course DAT055 - Object Oriented Applications at Chalmers.